Useful resources to educate singers and help them grow!
5 Steps to Mastering Sight-Reading
This article posted on Jazzadvice is beneficial for singers as well as musicians. It covers 5 elements that help the musically inclined take their sight-reading skills to the next level. The 5 elements are listed below, but you will get the most benefit by reading the entire article.
- Concentration
- Read bigger chunks of music
- Recognize rhythms and patterns
- Look Ahead
- Continue through your mistakes
How Music Helps Your Mental Health
Music is medicine for your mind.
There are very few things that stimulate the brain in the way it does. It’s one of the most demanding cognitive and neural challenging activities. Music requires complex and accurate timing of multiple actions in your brain because of the structural, mathematical, and architectural relationships between the notes. Although it may not feel like it, your brain is doing a lot of computing to make sense of all the incoming stimuli. It’s one of the few activities that activate almost every part of your brain.
Read the full article.
How to Stop Singing Flat
The Benefits of Learning an Instrument
Learning a new instrument is one of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions every year. Up to 60% of adults want to learn how to play an instrument at some point in their lives.
Here are some of the reasons people site for not learning an instrument:
If it’s something most of us want to do then why don’t we?
- Not having enough time
- Not knowing where to begin
- Being too shy
- Not being creative enough
- They don’t think they’d be very good at it
If many of us released how beneficial a habit like this could be. Learning to play a musical instrument can actually make us happier, less stressed people, with better hearing and bigger brains. Read the Full Article Here